

Scratch is a programming language and online community that helps you create your own interactive stories, games, and animations – and share your creations with others around the world. In the process of designing and programming Scratch projects, young people learn to think creatively, reason systematically, and work collaboratively.

Scratch website:


When I've earned this patch:

  • I have learned basic block programming and logical thinking;
  • I know how to create my own interactive stories, games and animations; and
  • I can share my creations with my peers.

Workshop Settings

Grade Level

  • Grade 2 - 8

Workshop Length

  • Two Hours


  • Computer
  • Internet
  • Web Browser

Activity Plan

Invited Speaker

Invite a local volunteer to inspire girls by talking about the breadth of possibilities in computer science.

What is Scratch?

Watch the introduction video: Scratch Overview

Coding Activities
  • Choose one or more projects:
    Animate a Name
    Make it Fly
    Make Music
    Race to the Finish
    Hide and Seek
    Fashion Game
    Create a Story
    Pong Game
    Let's Dance
    Catch Game
    Virtual Pet
Create and Share Your Projects
Be Inspired By Coding

Watch the inspirational video: Scratch Day


Celebrate with the Hour of Code patch you have earned. Way To Go, Girl Coders!

Post-Workshop Suggestions

Are you inspired to dive deeper into coding? Here are more activities you could do after earning the Scratch patch. 

More on Scratch
Beyond Scratch
  • App Inventor Patch
    App Inventor is the next level of block programming from MIT that teaches users to user computers to build mobile apps for Android devices.